Sayonara Sunday Stamping

I have been MIA for awhile on my blog and feel like I have some 'splaining to do...I got a full time job. I haven't worked a full time job in eighteen years. When I had my daughter (she's 18 now) I went to part time work so I could take care of her, then to full time stay at home mom when I had my second daughter. We never wanted anyone else taking care of our kids, and like so many other parents out there, we decided I would only work part time if needed while we raised our kids.

I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to be there for my children when they needed me most. I have to say that it was and always has been a conscious choice. Life is full of choices and we chose to have two wonderful children with a Mom who could stay home to raise them.

I know what it's like to be left to daycare, preschools, babysitters and family members while growing up and I never wanted that for my own children. I have great respect and honor for my own Mother and all she sacrificed for her children but I never wanted the same for mine and I know she understands. We do what we have to do with the circumstances that are upon us and my Mom did the best she could with what she had. I love her so much for all she has done for not only me but for all my siblings.

I started working last month. I have to say, it was not easy. The work was completely fulfilling as I was helping the elderly at a rehabilitation center and nursing home just minutes from my house. It didn't take long before I felt I was being taken advantage of in my job. To say the facility is understaffed is the understatement of the year! I completely enjoyed every resident I was fortunate to meet. They were the most genuine and kind people I've met in many years but I couldn't stay. I start a new part time job in three days.

I have a great appreciation now for those who work a full time job and continue to make time for all the things they love. I love card making and crafts. I could not do both while working my full time, physically exhausting job. Something had to give and my creativity not only gave but took a nose dive to nonexistence.

I'm fortunate now that I have secured a part time job for a locally owned business that I can now devote some much needed time to my cards and crafts.  I didn't realize how important these things were to me, not only for my sanity but for joy in my life. I literally live to create! I cannot fathom a world without being able to have the wonderful creative outlet that I'm blessed to share with not only you but all my family and friends.

My new job will afford me the opportunity to help my family financially and also be present in my creativity. I feel so blessed and fortunate. Thank you for your support and understanding that life happens. Enjoy the ride!

Funny, working hasn't seem to cut into my crafting shopping time, Lawn Fawn much?...
Oh, and I had to have all the new Mama Elephant release...

To be fair, I've created a couple cute cards with my new purchases...
And I have a couple duplicate stamp sets who need a new home. Stay tuned for a giveaway!!! Oh, and if you haven't guessed already I'm not doing the Sunday Stamping posts. I might go back to My Fave Mondays but I'm not sure. Just going to wing it for now. Life is too short to make plans!


  1. Adelle, I really enjoy reading your blogs! I like your yeti cards. They remind me of growing up with the big foot stories. Love ya sis!

  2. Good Work At All. I really impressed with your work. keep it upLuxion KeyShot Pro Crack Torrent


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