Sunday Stamping #5 Supplies

As I was rearranging my craft room today , I was reminded of this video from a few years ago;
It's funny because it's true!

I had to make room for my new craft mat, rulers and have a space for the awesome birthday gift I received from my wonderful mother in law... last year. She gifted me an amazing, computerized, embroidering sewing machine! I never made room for it until I actually needed to use it, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a sewing machine. I mean, you shouldn't need to use it in order to make space for it, especially if you have the space to afford...or do I? 
I do.

It's not so much that I didn't want to use the sewing machine, I adored it for what it is capable of doing and the fact that it's such a thoughtful gift, but  I've forever convinced myself I'm no good at sewing. I believed I had no patience for the craft and after seeing the beautiful things my mother in law could make with her sewing machine, well, I decided I wasn't going to be as good. 

I'm sort of impulsive that way. I like to be good at everything. I'm also impatient. I believe there are two kinds of people in this world; those that follow patterns (as in sewing) and those that don't. What I mean by that is, rules. I don't like to follow rules or recipes or directions or make lists, make plans and have everything followed and or adhered to a "T"...No, not me.  There are people that either wing it or don't. I wing it.

It's just like this post. I should probably plan it out. Have nice pictures.  Know exactly what I want to share and what I don't but nah, I wing it! I'm all about the spontaneity, the fun of pretty much anything.  I'm certain it's why I have so many supplies! I want the opportunity to make as many things as possible and all at my fingertips! I mean, I have to have an excuse for why I spent sixty dollars on a set of Zig Clean Color Real Brush Markers, otherwise, what's the point of having them?

So, admis my cleaning and rearranging I stumbled across those so needed markers at one time yet forgotten but now found...
All the colors! So pretty!  I'm easily amused. No really, I had to use them and so I did on this card:
 And this card:

 And this card"

 Oh, and I found all these Unity Stamps too...

I swear I'm going to use them all. I promise. You just watch. I will. Come back next Sunday. You'll see! 


  1. I can sooooooooooooooooooo relate (ten times over). Hubby swears he's going to build a second story over my craft room, well the part that doesn't have the second story already (we do have an upstairs, he doesn't know how much I have stored up there) - shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yep from one scrap-aholic to go girl! We're having fun, we're not hurting anyone and we're not parked on a stool in some bar. I say, "let's go shopping". LOL

    1. I won't tell if you don't tell (I'm shopping right now) :p

  2. I can't stop laughing. YES!! I am SUE and I AM A SCRAP-AHOLIC!!!


    1. Amen my crafty sister! (raises hand in solidarity)


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