New Stamping' Up! In Colors

With new In Colors coming in soon, that means there will be In Colors going out or rather, retiring.  They are now at a first come first serve status and once they're gone, they're gone.  So, if you are interested in getting any of the retiring In Colors: Cucumber Crush, Delightful DijonMint MacaronTip Top Taupe and Watermelon Wonder I've included hyper links right to my store so you don't miss out!

Stamping' Up!'s annual catalog is coming June 1, 2017! I'm so excited! One of the awesome perks of being a demonstrator is that I get sneak peaks of new products and the opportunity to order some of those products before my customers. It's a great way for me to familiarize myself to the new items in order to demonstrate the many ways my customers can use them.  It's also a great excuse to just play and be creative!

I recently received my order of the new Easter Palace Suite and I was just blown away by the elegance of it all, not to mention there are three new In colors in this suite! The colors and overall feel of the new products are so different from last years more, how can I say... playful palate? I wasn't sure if I was even going to like the new colors. Now, after seeing them close up, I love them all!!!

Here is a card I made with some of the new product:

Tranquil Tide and Lemon Lime Twist are two of the In Colors I chose to feature. That Lemon Lime Twist new In Color surprised me. In pictures I thought it would be way too bright but in person it pairs perfectly with all the other colors. It's my unofficial favorite color of the entire Suite.

The Suite comes with a pack of beautiful patterned paper. I tucked a piece behind the card I made to show it off a bit more. Here is a sampling of some of the patterned paper included in the Suite:

All of it is so pretty, elegant and versatile! I'm excited to make more with this gorgeous Suite! I can't wait until I can share more of the new catalog with you!  If you would like a catalog of your own, don't hesitate to use the contact me button at my site. I'd be happy to send you one!


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