Create your own backround

This week on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge blog, the theme is "Create your own back round" and if you happen to have some Faber Castell Gelatos on hand, go ahead and use those too!  Lucky for me I recently ordered some from Blitsy and now have a good excuse to put them to use!

I've been wanting to use Gelatos before this project but had yet to be inspired.  After a lot of searching on different Gelato techniques, I made this card.

The great thing about using Gelatos is their ability to blend with water.  I used watercolor paper with Gelatos to blend the color along with a stencil for the flower accent.  I needed a card to give to my Mother in Law for her birthday and this one fulfilled the request.

I hope to work with my Gelatos more in watercolor techniques to create fun and interesting back rounds for my cards and artwork.


  1. The background is beautiful! Love the colors you chose for it!


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