Simon Says Stamp Card kit vs Studio Calico

I recently bought a Studio Calico Card Kit.  I'll thank Jennifer McGuire for that purchase right now because, thanks to her, I got 50% off the kit to try it.  Okay, so it wasn't quite "recently", but as far as my crafting has gone lately, it's within a month, which means, "recent" enough!

I feel kinda bad because I'm completely unprepared for this post.  I have no pictures of the kits as I received them in order for you to compare.  I mean, look at the creative mess I've got going on right this minute in my craft room...

You can probably tell from the photo I'm all in with Simon Says Stamp.  I've got three boxes right there for you to see.  Thing is, I've subscribed to them for over a year now and I've written multiple posts boasting about their kits, so it's really no secret that I like them.  And to be honest, I wanted to try something different.  I used to get the Studio Calico scrap booking kits way back when they were cool (2008, '09).  Then they started changing up their stamp sets and I felt like I wasn't getting as much for the money.  I stopped subscribing in 2010.

So, why not give them a chance again after a few years off?  Especially since they have a kit now just for card making.  I'm glad I tried them with a half off code because otherwise, I'd of been way more disappointed.

The stamp set was nice but the minimal amount of card stock and embellishments left me wondering what it was I was paying for! With SSS you get a great selection of card stock and patterned paper plus a nice photo polymer stamp set along with embellishments, all at a lower price point!

It wasn't a complete disappointment.  I made a couple cute cards, I think.
In my opinion, I'm going to stick with Simon Says Stamp Card kits.  They're a better value considering now they offer stencils sometimes along with the stamps in their kits.  The more options for creativity, the better!
This is the Studio Calico Kit I purchased for $15.  It retails for $29.50

This is the SSS Card Kit I purchased for $19.99 + shipping/handling.  Comes to about $25.  You do the math.  No need to ask me, I think you can guess which one is the better bang for your buck! 


  1. Thanks for sharing this, I often wonder how kits compare!

  2. I agree! I get the SSS its regularly myself, I did think about trying Studio Calico but when I looked at the contents and compared prices I felt I would just stick with SSS.


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