Happy Easter

It's been awhile, to say the least, since I've "created" something to share.  I don't know about you but for me, I get into these funks where I don't feel like making a (censored) gosh darn thing.

Without censoring, I'd say a whole different thing, but I'm aware of people that can't fathom someone who crafts as having a mouth on them.  Fortunate for me, I do.  Unfortunate for those I try not to offend.  Some days are better than others...just saying.

It's been hit or miss lately and with Easter today I made a simple trinket of crafting flair just to jazz up the girl's Easter baskets this year.  I'm not sure why pinwheels are so interesting to little eyes but when I was a kid, I loved them!  So, in the spirit of nostalgia and all that is Simon Says Stamp Card Kit, here's a simple way to make them...

First thing you'll need is some patterned paper, a stick and brad to fasten your pinwheel.  You could use a straw if you'd like.  Lucky for me my card kit came complete with these cute little papers and sticks.

Next thing I did was adhere one sheet of 6x6 paper to the other, only so that I'd have a pattern on both sides.  It's a step you can skip if you don't mind white showing through on your pinwheel, and also if you don't want to go through the hassle of trying to line up the two pieces of paper because that can really be a (censored) beach!

After lining it up just right, this is what I got.

Next, find your center and cut each corner to that center but not all the way...say three fourths of the way because you're going to be folding the corners into the center and you don't want your paper cut in half.

After you've cut each corner to the center, take a corner, paper pierce it and then fold it in the center and paper pierce the center...you're going to be doing this on every other corner.  Fold every other corner over first if you don't believe me, then pierce them all at one time, whatever you want.  I'm telling you to do each one as you fold because it's (censored) frig gin easier than doing them all at once.  Your call.

Did you pick a brad for the center yet?  Now would be a good time.

There you go!  Now every other corner has a hole that you secured with the brad...good job!

Now all you need to do is pierce a hole into the cute little straw holder and thread the brad through it to attach the pinwheel.


And done!

 They were a big hit by the way...hope you had a great Holiday! :)


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