
Showing posts from January, 2013

Altered Balsa Box

This little box cost a dollar at Michael's.  So, if it turns out like crap after you've tried your best to alter it's appearance into something more attractive than it's former self, it's not a total disappointment when one or two end up in the trash.  Or, maybe that's just me?  Here's my attempt to turn one into something a little more attractive than what this picture can possibly portray.  And how I did it... Unscrew the little knob attach er thingy with a smaller than what's considered  "normal" screwdriver (IMO). Then cut off the useless elastic tie.  I guess it's not totally useless because it holds the knob attacher thingy but it's really ugly....again (IMO).  My opinion does matter.  To me. Paint it black! subject! After the paint dried I sprayed Lindy Stamp Gang Star burst in Golden Sleigh Bells.   I purposely didn't saturate the box completely in black acrylic paint so the gold shimmer of the s...

SSS January Card Kit

If you have yet to check out Simon Says Stamp Card Kits , I'd say now is a great time to do it!  This month's stamp set is one of my favorites and I've already made two cards with so much product left to make more. That's all. :)  

My Fave Monday...Coloring

Well, it's really not my favorite.  I want it to be, and with all the laws of attraction on my side, I'm willing it to be.  It's a Secret I've read, that is pretty much bul&sh#t and it's in a book that pretty much sucks.  If you've read it, I'm sorry...Truth is, I still can't color but I'm going to keep trying. I always used to think an artist was someone who could color and draw.  I know different now.  More like, I know better!  I consider all the things I make as art.  And I think of myself as an artist continually trying to improve my craft.  So here goes on the crafting... Santa must of thought I was really good last year...look what I got! Or more like he thought I deserved them for all the crap I went through last year..either way, it worked out! I'm a happy artist with the tools to be a better colorer..eeerrr..something. I fell in admiration of the Derwent Inktense color pencils the minute I watched this video .  Wi...