My Fave Monday...Upcycle!

I was recently asked to join a design team.  What an amazing opportunity for me, and of course, I said yes at the drop of a hat!  How exciting for me, that someone offered the chance to showcase my talent along side some amazing other talents in the crafting community. 

I was beyond excited to jump right in, with two feet, on this new adventure.  Then...I went out of town for a week...then I got sick for a week...then I went out of town again...and then before I knew it, I had an obligation.  I had to produce.  I had to participate.  I had a project due!  And I'm going out of town again in two weeks!  School started.  I have a family.  Holy crap, is this a job?  I don't know, but all of a sudden, I didn't feel good about my decision. 

So, I backed out of my commitment and now I'm not feeling good about THAT decision.  Geez, if only I could say yes to everything, then I'd be all fine with it but realistically, I can't.  No one should.  It's okay to say no every now and then.  Do what you want to do and when you want to do it.  No one is going to think less of you if you do.  So, now that I've realized that fact, I'm doing just that.

The great thing about the opportunity I was presented with was the initial push to create something I might not have done without the direction(see prior posts about challenges).  Even though I wasn't prepared to share my design team project at the time, and with the guidelines presented, I'm ready to share it now with all of you!

This challenge is on Creating the Crafty Life.  I absolutely love this community and if you get a chance, check it out and participate!  There is a prize to be won!  September is "Upcycle" month.

I recently got an iphone and this is the packaging I saved from when I bought the protective case for it.

The definition of "upcycle", to me, basically, is to use something you would think useless or already "used" and turn it into something different, better or "usable" again.  Here I decided to use the packaging from my iphone case as a shaker card.  I chose My Minds Eye Miss Caroline 6x6 collection pack paper along with satin trim and pearls from Mb's Treasurista.  Then I filled the shaker box part with little resin flowers and pearls to match the pearl trim I used on the card.

It's a cute, interactive little card to share with anyone.  And thanks to this challenge, I would have never thought to use this packaging let alone make this card.  Thanks C.C.L for the inspiration.  It's my Fave this Monday!


  1. Super cute idea and a I love to recycle. I really like it as a birthday card. Might have to try this.

  2. What a cute card and so original! Is there such thing as a shaker card or did you invent it? Great job, nonetheless!

  3. I wish I were that creative as to have invented this technique, ah but no! Not me! ;) Thanks for the comments! Means so much to me to inspire others, or just to have you all take a look at my blog now and again!


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