My Fave Monday...Clay Molds

I was at JoAnn's the other day, not because I needed fabric.  I can't sew worth a !#%&!  I admire anyone that has the patience and skills to sew because I'm just not cut out for that crap.   You know, they have more than just fabric there, right?  Or am I the only one who didn't realize that fact?  I totally had no idea JoAnn's had so many crafting supplies! 

I was honestly, just looking for a new glue gun.  I've been using the same glue gun that I purchased years ago to put together a flower arrangement for my wedding.  Last month was my fifteenth wedding anniversary.  The math is kinda spelled out for you on that one, so, if you didn't get it, I don't think I can help you, with pretty much anything else here on out.

As I perused the isles with new glue gun in hand, I walked leisurely to the register to pay for my purchase and along the way, saw a display for the Martha Stewart clay molds that caught my eye.

I had seen so many YouTube videos of this product but never seen it in store before.  The picture alone tells you I bought it, and I'm so glad I did!

The clay is easy to work with and the molds offer plenty of opportunity to use the product in cards, jewelry, layouts or whatever your crafting mind comes up with.

Here is my first attempt using the molds.  The clay was easy to work with and I left it overnight to dry.  Nice that there is no need to bake this clay in the oven.  Knowing me, I'd manage to burn myself somehow!

I added a little rub n buff, in gold, to the frame.  I like how it has a vintage feel.  The great thing about this product is that you can customize it for anything you are working on...think paint, stains, sprays.  It will all work with this lightweight clay.

It's my fave this Monday.  So much so, I might go back next week to get a new set of molds, because they come in several different sets, now that I know, and you do too!


  1. Awesome! I've been looking for the frame molds....You probaly already know this, but you can use plaster of paris in those too if the clay starts getting pricey. I'm msure it's much heavier than the clay though. Thanks for sharing, will have to hop over to Joann's today!

  2. Thanks for the heads up on this stuff. I'll add it to my "wish list". lol.


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