My Fave Monday...Faber-Castell Artist Pens

Well, honestly, they're more markers than they are pens but if they want to call themselves pens I'm not going to argue.  They are my new toy, so to speak, besides the card kits, these past few weeks.  You remember what it's like getting a new toy as a kid?  You play with it constantly for the time being then eventually put it away, inside a box or drawer, only to discover it later and have it be new all over again.  I'm already seeing the scenario start as often as I've used these pens lately, especially when it comes to my mixed media artwork.

The colors are vibrant.  I wish I had all of them but this is it so far, especially at $5.25 a pop!  I'm not so much the coloring queen.  I say that because they're out there.  You know them!  All those pretty cards posted with the cute little Greeting Farm stamps and the Copic coloring aren't done by your average artist.  There's some serious hierarchy going on in the coloring world and they are blessed with a virtue called patience.  A gift I have strived to acquire, even in my grade school crayon wielding days.  Like that ever happened.  Once out of the line, always out of line, and that's pretty much how I've rolled since.

So what's so special about these pens slash markers you ask?  It depends on your needs really.  I needed something that would shade color on my paintings, permanent, acid free and vibrant.  Permanency is important because I know the color won't dilute, fade or diminish despite how many layers of design I decide to put upon my piece, kapish?  Another cool thing is they don't bleed through paper.  I just think that's a plus especially if you're comparing them to Copic markers.
I recently made this painting.  Now while I did use the Faber - Castell Artist Pens to shade around the flower, leaves and stem after painting, I decided to go back and shade more with darker colors and a little bit of black for contrast...
Photos never do enough justice but I'm hoping you will be able to see that the stem stands out a bit more, in the latter photo, with the use of the markers.

Or pens.

Or whatever you want to call them.

They're my Fave this week.  Then I will put them away and discover them at a later date.  Just like the life of any good new toy.


  1. kapish!!! Wonderful tips! I am trying to soak up as much knowledge as possible in regards to Mixed Media! TFS!
    Jessica S

  2. Thanks Jessica. You always have the best comments! ;) Would love to see some of your mixed media art.


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