My Fave Monday...Paper Collections

This weeks post goes out the the Collection Pack and all of it's convenient goodness.  I have to say I'm all about the one stop shop, and having a "kit" or collection of papers, all in one place, not only makes it easier to make something but it also takes the guess work out of crafting.  Everything matches.  Some may think of it as a lazy way of doing things but I like to say it's efficient.  Glass full or half decide.

 This is one of my recent collection endeavours.  With so many new product out there in retail land, it's hard to know what's worth your money or not.  I took the plunge on this one and so far, I enjoy each and every page of artistic inspiration.  There is not a bad one in the bunch, so to speak.  So, if you're looking for something new to inspire you.  I highly recommend The Country Garden Collection by BoBunny
It's simply Spring on paper...beautiful.  I got mine at but you can also find it here
So far I've made one card and a layout with this collection...
My card for the sketch challenge.

And a Scrapbook layout inspired by my daughter, Eryn.
She says, "Mommy, you don't take pictures anymore" so, I took some of her. 

I decided she was right though and my goal now is to take more pictures and add them to pretty papers like these!

Feel free to add a comment about your "Fave" collection.  Lately, I need all the inspiration I can get!  :)


  1. I love the new blog! I'm not very good at the scrapbooking or the card making but these are awesome!

  2. love your blog!!! oh your card and layout are so pretty...


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