My Fave Monday...Coolest Little Printer

Recently my best friend moved across the country.  I can't even put into words how sad I am that she is not here.  As a friend, I think the most important thing I can do is support her every move in life.  Even if that means it's away from me.  I'm not going to say that it doesn't suck though because it totally does!

And, it has completely screwed up my crafting inspiration!  I'm not one of those "social" artists.  I don't go to crops, I don't invite friends over to "craft".   I guess you could say I don't like a whole lot of distraction when I feel like making stuff.  She, on the other hand, is the complete opposite.  She doesn't make something unless she has the company of cool people like me.  I'm most certain that's why it works.  Not only that, she is cool to hang with too!

I'm good with one person, maybe two, but I've really got to like the second one!  My best friend is my only crafting friend, so while she was here she inspired me creatively and sometimes monetarily.  Let's admit, part of the fun is sharing the stuff you just got at the local scrapbook store or for your birthday, maybe even Christmas.

Sometime after Christmas she came over to my house one night with the coolest little printer I'd ever seen! 
We both just bought some of the Amy Tangerine photo journals and this girl took out her little printer and printed pictures right at my desk.  Some pictures were black and white, some sepia, some wallet sizes, some postcards.  I was amazed and a bit jealous all at the same time.  Talk about convenient!

I coveted her little machine all this time until today.

Last week was my birthday.  I don't think I neglected to mention it already but I'm not afraid to say it again.  Oh how I love birthdays...funny because I don't like cake and can't even eat ice cream!  What I did to deserve so much this year is beyond me but I can't remember a year where I've been spoiled this much.  I feel so grateful and am no longer one of the "coveting" thanks to Best Buy gift cards and a loving Mother.

I opened the box so fast, this is the best picture I could manage.

This little printer is perfect to take to all those crops I don't go to.

And for all those pictures I take of my daughters so I can quickly add them to a card or scrapbook. As far as I'm concerned I no longer have the excuse of not having a picture to finish a project.  This is such a cute little convenient printer perfect for crafting.  Just ask my best friend.  Oh yeah, and me!  ;)

It's my Fave this Monday!
you can get one here
it's where I got mine.


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