My Fave Monday...Stamps

Look what came in the mail this week...

I know, I need more stamps like I need another hole in my head!  Wait, I don't mean "another"!  As far as I know, there are no holes residing in my magnificent cranium, but there might be a bump or two.  I'm pretty sure I just screwed up that whole analogy.  You know what I mean though, right?

What artist/craft doer, out there, doesn't like stamps?  (FYI, that was a rhetorical question)...Especially ones you can purchase for over half off?  I mean, these babies aren't cheap...(rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric) 

Just looking at the picture and guesstimating retail, you're going to spend ninety bucks for six sets of high quality, photo polymer, clear, Hero Arts stamps.  And I got all, pictured above, for about twenty dollars at twopeasina bucket (not including shipping).  A sweet deal I couldn't pass up one night while in full online retail therapy.

There are so many companies that sell clear stamps, I can't fathom putting in the effort to list them all.  I will say, Hero Arts clear stamps are hands down, palms hitting the table maybe a little too hard, my favorite.

Simply because I feel they cater to the card maker.  Their images and sentiments are the perfect proportion to the perfect card. They're a great place to start, if you're not too sure where to begin, on your stamp collection journey.
woodblock stamps are great too!
did I mention I like stamps?

and these aren't even all of them people!


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