My Fave Monday...Daily deals

Who doesn't like a good deal, especially in this economy?  I'm really getting sick of hearing the phrase, "In this economy", aren't you?  It's irritating because regardless of the economy there are and have been people living through difficult times, struggling just as much or more than we do.  Disposable income is not an option for many now but it's not been an option for many before. 

I recently read an article that stated Reno, Nevada as the second saddest place to live in the nation, with Las Vegas Nevada, reigning it at number one. The statistics, of this great state I live in, have a track record of being the highest in unemployment, the highest in home foreclosures, the highest suicide rate, all the way to the highest at being just plain sad.

Despite the Debbie Downer facts, I don't mind living here.  I consider myself extremely fortunate that I'm able to stay home and be available to my family whenever and for whatever they need but there is a trickle down effect and it's hit my pocketbook just as hard as others have felt.

In some respect, being an artist offers opportunity for financial gain.  I see it everyday on the Internet, at various sites, artists peddling their wares.  I've often thought of doing this myself, to supplement the high cost of simply buying the supplies needed to create.  I think not though, to the crippling idea of having to create on demand or command for that matter.  It's still an option, but until I make the decision to try it out, I'll supplement my supply by buying in monetary, not quality.

There are several online stores that offer daily deals on an array of products for the frugal artist.  Each day there is a new deal and most start at least 50% off.  You can sign up for email alerts or just visit them each day, like I do, to see if there is anything you are in need of and at a great price!

My Fave this Monday are:

And "In this economy", blah, blah, blah...check them out!


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