My Fave Monday...Inspiration

There are days when the creativity flows through my veins more like molasses than wine.  If you know anything about me then you'd know I'll take wine over molasses any day, especially when it comes to having to create with little or no in, the wine helps...

                                    (I think this is a bunch of B.S. but it looks cool!)

Just because I like to make stuff, it doesn't mean that I'm a walking ball of creativity.  If  I was, what a weird sight that would be and now that I've said that, I can't stop imagining what it's supposed to look like!  Any who...what to do?  Where to go, when there seems to be no mojo?

It's really easy for me to not do anything, but then that leads me to be lazy.  Lazy begets a sedentary way of thinking and when you're sedentary for far too long it sure takes a lot of effort to just get back up again.

(not running has serious consequences to your heart and waistline, though...I'm just saying.)

So, I create because even if I don't think I feel like making something, it gets me back up again.  On the journey, down to up, I know I'll make some crappy stuff, but my kids don't care, so I just give it to them.  Indiscriminate and uninhibited are children's minds.  There's just no way of getting that back after the age of 13.  Which means, I've got one more year to pawn off my mediocre attempts at creativity to at least one of my kids.

Meanwhile, I go here

It's my Fave site for inspiration.  I liken it to a crafty Facebook, because it has all the resources, in one spot, to get those creative juices flowing again!
And molasses isn't one of them.


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