Sunday Stamping #14 To Watercolor or Not to Watercolor

That is the question...I decided, after a futile attempt to watercolor this card that it just wasn't worth it. So, the answer is not to watercolor. Copic Markers to the rescue! Before we get into my card, I want to give a big THANK YOU to Patricia Allison. She is the winner of the triangle turnabout stamp! Patricia is also a follower of my Facebook page and always has the kindest words to say about my work. I appreciate her so much, especially since she was the only one who took the time to comment on my post. I am so happy to send her some crafty goodies in the mail! One of the great things about social media is that it allows me to share my passion for card making along with meeting people who share in my passion. The unfortunate part of social media is that it is selective on the audience my work reaches on the interwebz . Honestly, it's frustrating to say the least. I have several followers to my Instagram and Facebook page but because I don't pay for advert...